Contemporary #11: Franca Nuti and Gian Carlo Dettori on Giorgio Strehler


On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Giorgio Strehler’s death, guests of the new encounter will be Franca Nuti and Gian Carlo Dettori, who will talk about the great director’s career from their very particular point of view.

Strehler founded the Piccolo Teatro (later also Teatro d’Europa) in 1947, with the help of the publisher Paolo Grassi, thus transforming an old cinema occupied by the nazi-fascist military police during WWII into one of the leading theatres of Europe, and indeed of the world. An important role in his education and career was played by his family roots: his father was Austrian, his mother Italian, his grandparents Slav, Viennese and French. They conversed in four languages.
During his first 20 years in Milan, Strehler directed 115 productions “with a revolutionary eclectic repertoire and relying on a team of actors without ‘stars’ devoted to performing in a fresh contemporary style” (James Kirkup). Among his greatest successes, Harlequin Servant of Two Masters by Goldoni and The Life of Galileo by Brecht.

Introduced and moderated by Monica Capuani

Curated and moderated by Monica Capuani, “Contemporary” is a series of encounters – conversations, readings and live performances – presenting to the British audience an authoritative overview of Italian contemporary theatre.
Italian actors, playwrights and directors, both acclaimed masters and successful new voices, talk about their artistic research and discuss with important figures of British contemporary theatre.

Curata da Katya Marletta


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