
The 14th Rome Film Fest will take place from October 17 to 27, 2019 at the Auditorium Parco della Musica and in several other venues in the city of Rome. The Rome Film Fest is produced by Fondazione Cinema per Roma. The event is promoted by Roma Capitale, Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Handicrafts, and Agriculture of Rome, Regione Lazio, Fondazione Musica per Roma, Istituto Luce Cinecittà (representing the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism). ​

Laura Delli Colli is the President of Fondazione Cinema per Roma and the Board of Directors is composed of Roberto Cicutto, José R. Dosal and Lorenzo Tagliavanti. Francesca Via is the General Manager of Fondazione Cinema per Roma, Antonio Monda is the Artistic Director of Rome Film Fest, supported by a selection committee composed of Richard Peña, Giovanna Fulvi, Alberto Crespi, Francesco Zippel and Valerio Carocci. Mario Sesti curates the Retrospectives. The Main Partner is BNL BNP Paribas Group. The Institutional Partners are MiBACT – Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism and SIAE. Rome Film Fest takes place in collaboration with Alice nella città, Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (Experimental Cinematography Centre), MAXXI – National Museum of XXI Century Arts. The Official Sponsors are Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and JTI. The Official Car is Mazda. Acea is Partner. Rai is Main Media Partner; Rai Movie is the Official TV Channel. Rai 1, Rainews24, Rai Radio3, RaiPlay and Getty Images are Media Partners. Pino Chiodo is a Technical Partner supplying projection equipment (film and digital). ​

The Official Selection of the Rome Film Fest includes 33 films, with the aim of offering quality and excellence in cinema: from independent to genre productions, from renowned auteurs to emerging talents, experimental cinema and films with a clear vocation for entertainment, animation, visual art, and documentaries. This year again, the Close Encounters, onstage conversations with directors, actors and protagonists of the Italian and international cultural panorama will play an important role with Retrospectives, Restored Films, Tributes and several other events that compose the Rome Film Fest’s programme. Two new sections will enrich the 14th Rome Film Fest, Duel and Loyalty/Betrayals. Beside the Fest, Alice nella città will present a selection of youth-oriented films, following its own regulations. ​

ROME FILM FEST IN THE CITY The audience will have a choice of several movie theatres. The Auditorium Parco della Musica, designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano, will host screenings, exhibitions, onstage conversations, events, conferences, and panels. The 1,300 square metres of the avenue leading to the Cavea (an open-air theatre square) will become one of the largest red carpets in the world. The “Parco della Musica” will offer six screening rooms: Sinopoli, Petrassi, Teatro Studio Gianni Borgna Sala SIAE, AuditoriumArte. Next to the Auditorium, there will be the Cinema Village, featuring pavilions and stands made of steel, glass, and wood, created specifically for this event and its visitors, and the Frecciarossa Cinema Hall, a screening room carried out with the support of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, and also screening films focusing on travel. ​

Rome Film Fest will involve several other locations and cultural entities in the Italian capital: the Auditorium at the MAXXI – National Museum of XXI Century Arts, Casa del Cinema, MACRO Asilo, Casa del Jazz, My Cityplex Savoy, Barberini Multiplex, Palladium Theatre, Teatro dell’Opera, Palazzo Merulana, Palazzo Altemps, Via dei Condotti, Via Veneto, Via della Frezza, Piazza di Pietra, Ponte Sant’Angelo, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS, Rebibbia Prison (Nuovo Complesso and Casa Circondariale Femminile di Roma Rebibbia), Civitavecchia Penitentiary. Other venues include Casa dell’Architettura and Biblioteca Flaminia. Several events will take place along the Tiber river, in venues such as Castel Giubileo, Foro Italico, Ponte della Musica, Scalo de Pinedo, Isola Tiberina. ​

A cura di Katya Marletta


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