History and Democracy #2 – From the racial laws to the New Fascists


On the occasion of the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust (on January 27 each year) Professor Paul Corner (Universitá degli Studi di Siena) speaks about fascism and its repercussions on our recent and contemporary history. In conversation with Andrea Mammone (Royal Holloway, University of London).

This interdisciplinary series of seminars, hosted by the Italian Cultural Institute in London, and curated by Royal Holloway, University of London’s historian Andrea Mammone, challenges the many superficial and demagogic readings of our complex contemporary era. It offers, instead, some more rounded interpretations of recent events, placing them in a global and long-term perspective. Following the very successful History Talks in 2017, this year’s topics include Euroscepticism, the health (and welfare) system, education, the role of religion, radicalisation, capitalism and neo-liberalism, the future of social democracy, corruption, and the media, among others.

Paul Corner is a British historian specialized in contemporary history. He teaches European History at the Universita’ degli Studi di Siena, where he is also Director of the Centro Interuniversitario per lo Studio dei Regimi Totalitari del Ventesimo Secolo (Centre for the Study of the Totaliatarian Regimes in the XX Century), subject that he has extensively explored in his best known works Popular Opinion in Totalitarian Regimes. Fascism, Nazism, Communism (Oxford, 2009) and The Fascist Party and Popular Opinion in Mussolini’s Italy (Oxford, 2012).
He is a member of the Senior Room of St Antony’s College, Oxford.
In 1992 he co-founded the Pontignano Conference.

Andrea Mammone is a historian of modern Europe. His main research interests include post-war and recent European far right parties, interwar fascism, and wider work on Italian history, politics and society. He has published extensively on such themes, and regularly contributes to the media and press.

A cura di Katya Marletta


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