Tanti eventi all’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Londra



Tuesday 28 November, 6pm


(The Man Who Did Not Change the Course of History)

by Enrico Caria

Documentary screening

introduced by S.E. Pasquale Terracciano

Film screening (76’) followed by Q&A with director Enrico Caria.

The documentary by Enrico Caria is freely inspired by the diaries of archaeologist and art historian Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli, Il viaggio del Fuehrer in Italia, and made with the images from the archives of Istituto Luce – Cinecittà.

“Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli is a renowned figure among Italian art historians and archaeologists. A lesser-known fact is that, forced to serve as a guide for Hitler and Mussolini during the Nazi leader’s trip to Italy, he considered the idea of organizing an assassination attempt to get rid of the two unwelcome dictators. Caria reconstructs the incredible affair with irony and documentary precision, raising questions that continue to be relevant today.” (Alberto Barbera, director of the Venice Film Festival).

The Man Who Didn’t Change History participated to the 73rd Venice International Film Festival in 2016 in the section Giornate degli Autori. In 2017 it won the “Globo d’Oro”, Prize of the Foreign Press in Italy, as best documentary.


Tuesday 28 November, 6,45pm

ITALIAN ARTHOUSE COREOGRAPHY #4. Elena Giannotti – Company Blu | Lo sguardo del cane (The Dog’s Gaze)

The last of a series of four performances presenting the work of independent Italian choreographers in collaboration with Tripspace. Each performance is followed by a post-show talk offering further insight into the artist’s process and thinking, hosted by Betsy Gregory.

Lo sguardo del cane (The Dog’s Gaze) explores the relationship between the performer and the ethereal elements of performance. Elena Giannotti took initial inspiration from the last of Vittore Carpaccio‘ s paintings on Saint Jerome (1465 – 1525): The Vision of Saint Augustine. The work revolves around discontinuity between what is done, what is seen and what is left. The performer dances intricate and minimalist movements with precision and forgetfulness, a bundle of choreography where layers of structure become ghosts.


Thursday 30 November, 7pm

CONTEMPORARY #11: Marcello Magni and Kathryn Hunter

Curated and moderated by Monica Capuani, “Contemporary” is a series of encounters – conversations, readings and live performances – presenting to the British audience an authoritative overview of Italian contemporary theatre.

Italian actors, playwrights and directors, both acclaimed masters and successful new voices, talk about their artistic research and discuss with important figures of British contemporary theatre.

Guests of the eleventh encounter will be Marcello Magni and Kathryn Hunter, who will talk with Monica Capuani about their theatrical career and research.


Monday 4 December, 7pm



Curated by Marco Delogu

Book presentation: Il Capitale Umano – Conversations in Belgrave Square, curated by Marco Delogu (Quodlibet, 2017)

Following “Primo Autunno” last year, another collection of short essays by many of the guests here at the Italian Cultural Institute over the course of the past year, from philosopher Giorgio Agamben, to writers Sandro Veronesi, Marco Belpoliti, Dacia Maraini, Claudia Durastanti, Andrea Cortellessa, Giorgio Falco, Francesco Cataluccio, Chiara Valerio, Ian Thomson, Simonetta Agnello Hornby, Franco Arminio, academics Stefano Jossa, Umberto Gentiloni, Charles Burdett, and John Foot with Claudio Ranieri, journalists Giancarlo Loquenzi, Marino Sinibaldi and Enrico Franceschini on Natalia Ginzburg and Nanni Moretti, art historian Alessandro Castiglioni, curators Massimiliano Gioni, Agata Boetti, art collectors Eugenio Re Rebaudengo and Michael Frahm, photographers Guy Tillim and Anders Petersen, architect Alejandro Aravena, film-makers Matteo Garrone, Roberto Minervini, Pietro Marcello, Andrea Scillitano, Peter Greenaway, Paolo Pellegrin and Mohamed Keita, actor Luca Zingaretti, Film London Adrian Wootton, publisher Hannah Watson, psychoanalyst Massimo Recalcati.

Introduced by the Italian Ambassador S.E. Pasquale Terracciano.

A cura di Katya Marletta


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