Debora Cattoni interviews Victoria Mary Clarke


Victoria Mary Clarke is an Irish famous writer and journalist, she was a writer also for l’Uomo Vogue and the editor was Gianluca Cantaro.
She is also known for her long-term relationship with singer-songwriter Shane MacGowan, whom she met at sixteen, almost a decade his junior. She wrote the biography, A Drink with Shane MacGowan. Like MacGowan, she is a fan of literature and music. She is also a yoga enthusiast. She believes in angels and speaks to them on a regular basis.

Victoria Mary Clarke and Shane MacGowan who have been together for 32 years and engaged for 11 years, they married in a civil ceremony in Copenhagen in 2018. She asked him to marry her.
Among the guests were the actor Johnny Depp who is a long-time friend of MacGowan. He played guitar after the ceremony in Copenhagen Town Hall.

Who is Victoria Marie Clarke Angels?

Hi there! I am an Irish artist and writer and I channel angel messages and angel paintings and I design my scarves and masks and other things using the angel images, I am also married to Shane Mac Gowan from The Pogues.

How started your connection with angels?

My connection with angels started when I was a child in the Irish countryside. I became very interested in spirituality as a young woman who was living with a crazy rock star, there was a lot of chaos and drugs, drinking in my life and I was very lost and confused, I was also very depressed and frustrated, because my friends were very successful, but I was struggling to make it as a writer and getting a lot of rejection! I had to go to hospital for the depression and I wanted to die, but I asked the angels to help me and guide me and they began to talk to me every day and to guide me through it. I got to be very happy and healthy, more and more successful and joyful. Last summer, when we were staying with Johnny Depp, I was inspired to start painting the angels and making them into the scarves.

Many people know you also for your long relationship with the great Shane MacGowan, which is your best story moment together to your husband?

I don’t know what is the best story! We have had some miraculous adventures. One time, when we were touring America, Shane went missing in New Orleans and I was terrified that something had happened to him! We called the hospitals, the police and we had people out all night searching for him and I asked the angels to help. They told me to get very calm and to imagine everything working out and Shane coming back safely. I got a call from the band manager to say that Shane had been found by a fan and he walked onto the stage at the exact moment that he was needed!

I read in some magazine that you have had also one help from the angels in your life, you want remember to us what happened and in which way now you were saved? Your answer can help many people…

My motivation in sharing the angels is to help to lift people’s spirits and get them to connect with the angels, feel the love 💓 share love 💓 with the world as much as possible.

Which your next project?

My next project will be more angel fashion, I want to do more things like a shirt and a dress, a jumpsuit, but I also want to do some online angel workshops, teach people to connect with the angels for themselves. Then I will see what I am guided to do next! A perfume?!!

When you will come in Italy, do you like Italia?

I love 💓 Italy especially Rome!!! We visited Johnny in Rome when he played with the Hollywood Vampires a few years ago and it was so amazing! I also love 💓 a place near Turin called Damanhur, where they have the biggest underground temple in the world.

What you think about the real love?

I think real love 💓 always comes from connecting with your own soul and seeing how beautiful your heart really is, connecting with the souls of other people and seeing how beautiful they are and how much we are connected.

Thank you for this interview and let’s say goodbye with your favorite phrase or motto?

My favourite motto is be the vibes that you want to experience is: “Be the love 💓 see the love 💓 love 💓 your life.”

Debora Cattoni


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